Monday, September 10, 2007

UFO: Unintended Fad of Omnipotence

Too often do we fail to recognize the line between insanity and humor. As I read the first two articles I responded with two very different reactions. The first article, Claiborne Pell: Senator from Outer Space, reassured me that we had qualified and intelligent people making decisions and that the tax dollars were being put to a proficient use. The second article, Heaven's Gate, questioned my morals as to what level of lunacy people can fall under due to propaganda. The two articles kept me entertained by shocking my attention.
The first article, allowed me to question the mindset of the senator from Rhode Island. Despite his earnest belief in the power of psi, he struggled to find support for his outrageous claims. The fact that our military is even thinking about putting money into psi research is disheartening. The insanity behind the views that our tax payer dollars are not only funding the lives of people like Senator Claiborne Pell, but into researching psi technology as means of competition with Russia , allow me to question the motives and goals set by this great nation. However, I must concede, I have not experienced the phenomena that is psi technology, and therefore am not a credible source, yet I still hold my belief that Senator Claiborne Pell is crazy! It is that same power that leads his creed of harmless monetary losses and shocking claims that can cause a more radical change to make people believe that they are better off dead than alive.
The second article was tragic, the manipulation of the innocent minds by “Bo and Peep” was sick. They targeted weak individuals, whom they could sculpt their radical ideas around. The fanatics had complete control over their followers; they could convince them that the pain of death was well worth the reward to catch a flight to the other side. It was truly a tragedy how the events turned out, but how different are the views of Bo and Peep’s followers different from mine? I am a Roman Catholic and believe with the majority of creeds and stances the Church holds. Am I being conned by the Church because I believe that after death I will enter into a new realm? Or, is it so obscure that I take for granted the teachings and homilies of religious figures without questioning their authority? These questions that cause me to question my faith also lead to radical actions taken by radical people.

1 comment:

The Eighth Earl of Sidcup said...

Please keep in mind that this is an older article, from around 1995, I believe. I believe that Pell is dead as a dodo.