Sunday, September 30, 2007

Run Away the Barcodes Are Attacking!
Yet again i run into an article that makes my jaw drop. This time some lunatic who claims to have proof that bar codes cause cancer and there are hidden messages encrypted into the system. The author has a hobby in radionics and has found a particular interest in barcode toxicity. He establishes his credibility further by letting his audience know that people commonly seek out his advice on radionics. However, he must keep his sources confidential, which could only mean one thing: He made them up.
The first point the article brings up is the number 666 is encrypted into every barcode but not shown in the number scheme. 666 has a religious significance as it is the number associated with the bible passage from Revelations 13:16-18
"He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast, or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666"
This revelation led him to meet a woman by the name of Anja. Anja has rid herself of barcode toxicity over a three day period. Throudh the rigourous battle she became the victor but at a horrible expense, "teracting with hundreds of barcodes in a short period of time made her sick for three days." Despite her sturggle she is dedicated to letting people know about the this unknown epedemic. The way she was able to rid herself was by covering the barcodes with stickers. She wanted to remind the audience to get the stickers laminated for durability.
Now the epedemic of barcodes causing cancer comes from the theory that barcodes have an energy field which threatens cells. The major location of the damage done by barcodes can be found in the large intestine and the madula oblongata. The source of the problem has been verified as the demacration lines in the middle of the code.
If you feel threatened that barcodes are the sign of the Anti-Christ, and the demacration line is giving you cancer do not fear. The post office uses a similar barcode system however theirs is safe and does not have the potential dangers that arise with most commercial products.
The authors of this article care about spreading the word about barcode toxicity that they have included their phone numbers. If you would like to reach Peter Lindehand you can call him at 505 282 7554. You can also reach Ajna Luminaria at 505 466 1213. It also gives you a link where for only ten dolalrs plus two dollars and seventy five cents you can purchase one hundred stickers that minimize the toxicity of barcodes.

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