Tuesday, December 4, 2007


A supernova is an explosion of a star at the end of its lifetime. The core of the star implodes and an explosion occurs. This results into a rotating neutron star that can be observed years later as a radio pulsar. Supernovas are rare events and the last one occurred in 1604 and was known as Keplers Star. The supernova prior to that was the Crab Nebula.

College expectations

The majority of students do not know why they are going to college. They have no answer to the questions of Why am I here? Why College? Why Now? Many students feel that they are obligated to attend a university and are just going through the motions. There are two categories that most students goals fall under as their definitions as success in college. The first group of goals are the classroom goals. The students are at college for a purpose. Their main goal is to obtain a higher education and achieve their goals of getting a high paying job, or getting into the graduate school of their dreams. The second group is the social group. This groups aim is to achieve their goals of getting involved with that club, sport or other form of activity. Not all students have these goals, and most students mix their goals between the two. The one thing most incoming freshman desire out of college though is an experience. Most students are unsure of what college is like. They have heard stories, but want to experience it for themselves.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Faith or Fiction

Faith and the Placebo Effect written by Lollete Kuby PhD states that faith healings are caused by the placebo effect. The placebo effect is when the person believes they are receiving treatment so they mentally feel they are getting better when no such treatment exists. The main point of the book is that the faith healing can be triggered by our own response. There is a range of different types of causes that trigger the placebo effect and one of them is faith. The placebo effect is sometimes more effective than conventional medicine. All though the placebo effect is our true healer we still give credit to that external force.


The Defense of Marriage act also known as the DOMA was passed in 1996 under Bill Clinton’s presidency. The law was passed by a landslide in the senate and the constitution. The law had two main points. The first was that no state should recognize same-sex or polygamous realtions of another state. The second point is that the federal government can not recognize any same-sex or polygamous marriages even if a state has. Most states do not allow same-sex marriages however some do while others have domestic partnerships. If gays wanted to get married, Canada allows gay marriages.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Mukasey's Stance on Water Boarding

President Bush, indirectly supports water boarding. Micheal Mukasey is a nominee for the United States attorney General. As the clip showed at the end of last weeks class, water boarding is a form of torture that makes the victum believe he is drowning in order to give information to his torturers. This form of torture is done in a controlled enviornment and has minimal long term physical problems but does have long term mental problems. It was believe to be started by the CIA but has its basic forms in the Spanish or Italian inquisitions. Micheal Mukasey's personal opion on this position is no comment. When he was being interviewed for the atorney gerneral position he sais that he did not want to give his position on it because he did not want terroists to train an prepare for his tortre techniques. Allthough he never admits it, some sources say that Mukasey does not consider waterboarding a form of torture. He is a flip flopper and still wont come out with a definitive answer and is being criticized by the democrats for it.




Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Party like it's 1999, Oh Wait

In 1999 time square was crowded with people waiting in anticipation for the turn of the century. While there were thousands of people present, many more were sitting in their homes awaiting the computer takeover. The computers were going to malfunction and all hell would break lose. Bombs would be set off, stocks would crash all because the computer could not cope with the change. People freaked out buying bottled water, canned food, and batteries for flashlights. Once the century did change there were no large mass apocalypses. In fact, most of the problems were minor and able to be solved. It was just a big scare, and proves that humans are still smarter than computers. Take that Mac's!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Monster of Elizabeth Lake

Winged creature about 50 feet long, with giraffe like neck, six legs, head of a bulldog, and smells like a wet dog. The creature is believed to live in the Elizabeth Lake in southern California. If foung do not shoot because your bullets will not penetrate its skin. Notify Miguel Leonis, owner of Lake Elizabeth. The creature is believed to be the spawn of the devil and if you swim far enough into its lair you will find a direct route to the underworld. This has been passed down from the indians to the owners and to Miguel. The lake is said to have been created by the devil. Stay away, and keep your livestock close because this creature attacks during the night.
